Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Explication of Bridge of Sighs by Edgar Allan Poe includes an excerpt of the poem

Explication of Bridge of Sighs by Edgar Allan Poe includes an excerpt of the poem Any poem respected by Edgar Allan Poe to the extent that he would include it in his personal explanation of poetry should be exceptional, but 'Bridge of Sighs' by Thomas Hood is with certainty the best poem I have ever read. A reflective work, it tells the story of a young woman without a love in the world, but suggests there was a passion behind her dramatic suicide. The narrator blames the girl's self-destruction on her being a fickle woman, 'One of Eve's family' (l. 27)and implies that her death was spurred by incredible loneliness. He admonishes the man who finds the body of this Ophelia ignore her sins, and simply admire her beauty and bravery, and pity her bad lot in life.In the first 2 stanzas, each alternating 3- and 2- foot lines with an 'abab' rhyme pattern, the narrator uses a steady and simple rhythm to establish the somber, introspective mood of the poem.Somewhat retouched and with transparent background...A feeling of pity for the beautiful but obsessive subject is set. Every line of the poem is begun with a single trochaic foot, with iambs completing the line. This emphasizes the first syllable, and I feel, gives a driving force rather than a rolling tune to the poem.The next stanza first hints at the nature of the woman's death, describing her sodden clothes. 'Take her up instantly,/Loving, not loathing.'(ll.13-14) says the narrator, asking the finder of the body to feel only warmth for this poor girl. These two lines prepare the reader for the next two stanzas, which exhort the discoverer of this cadaver to not focus on 'her mutiny' and sin in suicide, but admire her loveliness and 'Think of her mournfully,/Gently and humanly;' (ll. 16-17). The rhyme scheme of these longer stanzas is irregular but lyrical and leads neatly...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Interpreting Experiments Questions in ACT Science

Interpreting Experiments Questions in ACT Science SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Like most ACT Science questions, Interpreting Experiments don’t require you to understand the hard science behind the experiments. Instead, these Interpreting Experiments questions will give one interpretation of part of the passage and ask you whether that interpretation is true or not, using the data from the experiment. These questions have a predictable pattern to the question and answers, which you can use to your advantage. In this article, I'll cover the general format of Interpreting Experiments Questions, solve several ACT Science practice questions, and provide ACT Science tips to answer these questions. Format of Interpreting Experiments Questions These types of questions are usually stated in a variety of ways such as: Is the statement "_______" consistent with Figure 1? A researcher hypothesized that ________. Do the results of study 2 support this hypothesis? However, answer choices will typically appear in the same format: Yes, because of statement A. Yes, because of statement B. No, because of statement A. No, because of statement B. Most students who miss these kinds of questions jump the gun by deciding quickly on Yes or No before really looking at the data. As I mentioned earlier, answering these questions requires interpreting the data presented in figures and text and deciding whether the data support or contradict the hypothesis. Note: not all questions have answer choices where statements A and B are opposites. In some more difficult Interpreting Science questions, the answer choices may read: Yes, because of statement A. Yes, because of statement B. No, because of statement C. No, because of statement D. This is slightly more difficult since you can't rule out answers as easily, but you can solve it with the same strategy- consider whether each statement is true or false. Then, consider whether the true statements support the hypothesis in the question or not. We will attack these higher level interpreting experiments question next: ACT Science Practice Questions Interpreting Experiments Question #1 Notice how the 4 answer choices each have three parts (they do not fit the standard format). The first part is a Yes or No, answering as to whether the experiments support the hypothesis. The second part is statement A ("as capacitance increased, the time required increased") or B ("as capacitance increased, the time required decreased"). The final part is whether statement A or B was proven by experiment 1 or 2. The 4 answer choices are created by pairing a Yes or No with either statement A or B plus Experiment 1 or 2. The ACT is counting on you to get confused in your thinking. You might get excited and pick, Yes, but get the second half of the answer wrong. We'll avoid this mistake by breaking down the question into three parts. First, we're going to figure out whether statement A or B is true. Notice how in this case statement A and B are opposites. A states that time increased, but B states that time decreased. A and B can't both be true at the same time! So our first step is to use the data to figure out whether option A or B is true. Let's check out the corresponding figures: Table 1 corresponds to Experiment 1 and Table 2 corresponds to Experiment 2: Well, according to Table 2, as capacitance increases, time required to reach a certain voltage across the capacitor increases, so we can eliminate answer choices C and D. By eliminating C and D, we have also eliminated the normal next step in this problem, which is deciding yes or no. We are only left with yes, so the answer must be yes. Which makes sense since the hypothesis sets up a new experiment the same way and finds as capacitance increase time increases, so, yes, it is supported by the experiments since it had the exact same finding. Now, the only difference between the two remaining answer choices A and B is whether the statement came from experiment 1 or 2. Since the data came from Table 2 and Table 2 represented the data from Experiment 2, B is the answer. By taking this approach, we avoid the most common careless mistake of jumping to pick yes or no without making sure the explanation matches. Interpreting Experiments Question #2 Now, that we’ve tried a more formulaic interpreting experiments question, let’s try one where the answer choice all have different explanations: Note: This matches that second type of question we discussed above: Yes, because of statement A. Yes, because of statement B. No, because of statement C. No, because of statement D. The first part of the question is a Yes or No answering whether the data support her claim. Second, is whether statement F, G, H, or J support or do not support her claim. Now, we're going to figure out whether statement F, G, H, or J is true. So, our first step is to use the data in Figure 3 and 4 to figure out whether option F, G, H, or J is true. Let's check out the corresponding figures: To solve this problem, let’s look at each statement F, G, H, and J individually. F- the acceleration factor is dependent on enzyme concentration, but not on substrate concentration. Looking at figure 4 and at the line for Enzyme B (since the hypothesis claim refers to Enzyme B), we see that as enzyme concentration increases so does acceleration factor, until it sort of even outs or increases more slowly. Figure 3 looks similar; looking at the line for Enzyme B (since the hypothesis claim refers to Enzyme B), we see that as substrate concentration increases so does acceleration factor until it sort of even outs or increases more slowly. So the acceleration factor for Enzyme B is dependent on both enzyme and substrate concentration. We know F is definitely not the answer. G- the acceleration factor is not dependent on either enzyme or substrate concentration. We know this is false from our last finding. H- the acceleration factor is dependent on enzyme concentration, but not on substrate concentration. Also, false according to our initial finding. J- the acceleration factor is dependent on both enzyme and substrate concentration. This matches our finding, so it is the answer! Let’s review the steps to make sure you have this process down: Summary of ACT Science Tips for Interpreting Experiments Questions To solve Interpreting Experiments questions, we need to: Break down the answer choices into Yes/No + Statement A/B(C/D). Decide whether Statement A or B (or C or D) is true. If possible, rule out 2 answer choices. For the statement that is true, decide whether the hypothesis in the question is true or false. Pick the only remaining answer! What’s Next? I hope you feel ready to interpret any experiment! Check out the other types of questions on the ACT Science section such as factual questions, interpreting trends questions, and experimental design and hypothetical change questions. Looking for overall ACT Science review? Read our complete guide to the section. Taking the ACT really soon? Check out our guide to cramming. Like this article? Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Science lesson, you'll love our program. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

National australian bank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

National australian bank - Essay Example In the community and media section, all the current and archived media news, reports and presentations are described. Through the website, there are opportunities for charitable contributions also like giving donations for Ovarian Cancer Research foundation. Usability: From the website, the intended audience can be easily understood. Since there are two sections for personal and business, it clearly conveys the message that the intended audience are the common middle classed men and the business executives. The language used throughout the website is familiar and comfortable to the readers. The only disadvantage is that Javascript needs to be enabled in the browser for proper reading of the website.In addition to English, four other language options for the website are also available to make it usable to readers. In addition to all these, there is a separate section called using the site which gives all information regarding all the contents in website, security, accessibility, technical requirements and submitting feedback. Navigation: The site uses standards link colours and the links are clear in their intent and destination. The section called using the site provides a convenient and clear way to maneuver among related pages and different sections. Access: The load time is reasonable even in slow dial connections. For people with physical impairments also the website is accessible. To communicate with the administrator, there is a special section called website assistance through which the users can submit their feedback or complaints about the website to the administration. Other Company Owned Sites: The website provides link to national Australian bank group site which provides all information on the bank like annual reports, corporate governance details, financial results, etc. This site also provides the links for other banks like MLC, JB Werre, UBank, Yorkshire bank etc, The social factors include

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Lead 6_17 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lead 6_17 - Assignment Example Effective leaders such as CEOs have the capability to direct the organizations with efficacy in order to realize the objectives of the entities (David, 2003). It is imperative not to understate abilities of leaders in the success of firms. As a result, this paper discusses the capabilities and effectiveness of CEOs. The paper assesses an executive, Warren Buffett, which differs from others in attributes and ability in calculating risks that enhance the success of their respective organizations. The aim of the discussion is to analyze a consensus of ideas and perspectives from an organizational leader in regards with what it takes to ensure the success of an entity and higher levels of effectiveness. The paper provides an overview of the chosen CEO by highlighting the achievements, highlights, as well as significant events characterizing the leader’s career. The CEO’s leadership career will incorporate the concepts of an effective leader including personality and leadership capabilities, motivation and empowerment, his vision and strategic bearing, communication skills moral and courage direction as well as values and culture. As an influential person in the realm of investing and one of the wealthiest people in the globe, Warren Buffett is the Chief-Executive-Officer and a large shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire Hathaway is a multinational conglomerate entity with its headquarters situated in Omaha. Buffett came from a humble beginning to one of the wealthiest figures in the world. Characterized by business acumen as well as his ideals and principles he established his investment principles and financial abilities at an early age, which enabled him to acquire many riches. Born in 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska, Warren Edward Buffett worked at a grocery owned by his grandfather in his early years. To show his investing qualities, Buffet purchased a stock at the age of eleven, which resulted in a $5 profit and when he

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ampalaya Coffee Essay Example for Free

Ampalaya Coffee Essay This investigatory project aims to prepare and also to make a coffee from the â€Å" Ampalaya Seeds†. We know that Ampalaya or also known as Bitter melon is known for as its bitterness and astringent taste , the bitter melon can see everywhere. This investigatory project encourage us students to make a coffee, as an alternative product . This study was conducted to determine the feasibility of the ampalaya seeds as coffee. The researchers used powdered Ampalaya seeds in this study. After researching and collecting the raw materials, the researchers were able to begin the experimentation. The coffee was obtained by drying, grinding, and roasting the seeds of ampalaya, and boiled. After boiling, the coffee was manually extracted with the use of a clean cloth. The study focuses on producing coffee out of ampalaya seeds. It does not aimed to determine which coffee (ampalaya seeds vs. commercial coffee) has more nutritional value or which is more nutritious. II. Acknowledgement. We would like to thank to the following person that are help us to start and to continuing this our Investigatory Project ,including the following to our ALMIGHTY GOD that help us and give us strength and knowledge to explain the main idea of this investigatory project . To our parents and also our friend who give us supports to finish our Investigatory Project. For our parents that supplies our needs , including the financial needs . THANK YOU !!!!!! Chapter 1: Introduction In our modern generation , many people in our country used coffee especially our grandparents and also our parents. Coffee is known as beverage to the majority of the people. It is known for its stimulating effect on the functions of the brain , thus making the drinker active . Variants of coffee flavors were already produced all throughout the world aiming for the discovery of alternative sources of coffee production . The coffee from ampalaya seeds help us to earn and save money . A. Background of the study Coffee alternatives have been famous since the last two decades due to economic crisis and experimentations for health and medical benefits. Any seeds that are edible when powdered can be used as an alternative source for coffee. The difference of the generic coffee from the seeds of the coffee plant from those of the alternatives is that it has a good amount of caffeine content. The similarity you can find in the alternatives and those of the original is that seeds contain carbohydrates which cause the aroma in roasted coffee. Ampalaya, on the other hand, is a crawling vine that grows mostly on tropical countries like the Philippines. It is said to be rich in iron, potassium, beta-carotene and other nutrients. It is also famous in treating diabetes because of its properties like polypeptide-P; a plant insulin that can lower blood sugar levels. Many researches on agricultural food chemistry convey that it provides nutritionally significant amounts of nutrients, minerals and amino acids that are needed for life. B. Objectives of the study B1. General Objectives 1. To determine if the ampalaya seeds have considerable characteristics of the products in terms of color, aroma, taste, and acidity. B2. Specific Objectives 1. To produce coffee using ampalaya seeds as the main ingredient. 2. To determine and compare the levels of acceptability of the coffee samples. C. Hypotheses NULL 1. There is no significant difference among the different ampalaya coffee samples developed in terms of their color, aroma, and taste. ALTERNATIVE 1. There is no significant difference among the different ampalaya coffee samples developed in terms of their acceptability. D. Significance of the study Momordica Charantia or ampalaya seeds contain iron and folic acid which are essential for the production of the red blood cells and the formulation of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Coffee is usually drunk hot, black or with cream and sugar and also drunk cold as iced coffee, specially summer. People are used of drinking coffee every morning to warmth their body and at night to avoid being sleepy. But coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine. The result of this will determine if the coffee made from ampalaya seeds can be use as a substitute for the commercial coffee. This study aimed to produce coffee using ampalaya seeds as substitute. The study was important because ampalaya is abundant in the Philippines. The product may be an anti-diabetes coffee but it is not the main concern of the study. Everybody can benefit of the result of the study unless a coffee drinker. It would recycle the ampalaya seeds instead of being thrown away which a lot of people consider it as waste. E. Scope and limitation The proposed study was limited to producing coffee out of ampalaya (Momordica charantia Linn. ) seeds. Three samples were prepared with different ampalaya seed concentration and same amount of water for comparison purposes in which one of the samples was pure commercial coffee. The samples were processed by the basic methods of making coffee: roasting, grinding, and brewing.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

With Regret and Hope :: Love Letters Dating Email Relationships

Dear Anthony, It has taken me awhile to write this letter. Please read it with care and understand that much thought went into it. I miss the way we used to be. I wish with all my heart that there was some way we could go back to the days where your eyes beheld me as the most beautiful woman you had ever seen, when your heart felt more alive in my presence, when the thought of me kept you warm on a cold night. I still feel that way about you. I know that I am the one to blame for letting us die and for letting you down. I know that I messed up, the things that I did were wrong, and I wish that there were something that I could do to go back in time and undo them. I know what it's like to be hurt the way that I hurt you. It hurt me to see the pain that I caused you and not be able to do anything to make it better. Now here we are, together again, but it doesn't feel the same. I know you still care for me, and love me, but I wonder if you are ever going to forgive me. How do we get past the hurt? What can I do for you to forgive me, to let me into your heart again, to earn back your trust and once again feel the fullness of your love? I look back on all that I took for granted, and I wish that I had appreciated everything you offered me, and I know that if I had that back, I would work to keep it for forever. I wouldn't push it away like I did then. I would bask in every moment of your love. I want a chance to love you the right way, but I need you to let me in. The distance between us pulls at my heart. It is there even when I am in your arms. Yes, I have suffered for my sins, the greatest suffering I have ever known: feeling as if I have lost you and your love. I am asking that you forgive me. I remember a time when we kissed and touched each other for the sheer pleasure of it. How we loved to be next to each other and had to be next to each other. We couldn't wait until we could be together again.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Doma Debate

DOMA: Support or Repeal? BCOM 275 DOMA: Repeal or Support? Abstract This debate argues whether the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) should be supported or repealed on the basis of its definition of marriage, its constitutionality, and its impacts on non-heterosexual families. This debate argues that the Defense of Marriage Act should be repealed because its definition of marriage is heavily based on values of tradition in this country and because the definition violates the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution.DOMA: Support or Repeal? The Argument in support of DOMA The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is a federal law that was first introduced by Republican Bob Barr from Georgia in May of 1996. The bill passed in the house by a vote of 342-67 and in the Senate by a vote of 85-14. It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on September 21, 1996. DOMA gives states the right not to recognize same-sex marriage that another state has already recognized. Secondly, the law p rovides a federal definition of marriage.DOMA defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. In this paper, we are going to outline the two major provisions of DOMA. We will explore the federal definition of marriage and whether this is justified. We will further discuss the rights granted to the states and their ability to decline same sex marriage from other states. We will discuss both pros and cons of each part of DOMA, and then provide our teams determination on which is the more persuasive argument. First let’s explore the DOMA mandated federal definition of Marriage.The language, taken directly from the law itself, is defined as follows: â€Å"In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word ‘marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word ‘spouse' refers only to a per son of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife. † By this definition, it is very clear cut that DOMA defines marriage as a traditional man and woman union.Since 1998, following in the footsteps of DOMA, 30 states have had their voters approve constitutional amendments to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Although not overwhelming, it is a majority and represents 60% of our states that have taken steps to protect the traditional definition of marriage. The question next becomes a matter of whether this definition, based in tradition is justified? The traditional argument is based in the belief that marriage, rooted in tradition has always been between a man and a woman, and that this is also the best environment to raise children.The belief that marriage should be defined traditionally is not about taking away rights from anyone, it is just about not redefining the word marriage. Many supporters of a marriage definition argue that they don’t have any issues with gay couples; they just want the definition of marriage to be traditional. They are not proponents of banning anyone’s rights. The definition of marriage, is only part of DOMA’s mandate, the second part is the power granted to the states. The second part of DOMA that we will discuss is the rights granted to the state.It is defined as: â€Å"No State, territory, or possession of the United States, or Indian tribe, shall be required to give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State, territory, possession, or tribe respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other State, territory, possession, or tribe, or a right or claim arising from such relationship. † This very simply means that if you are a same sex couple and were married in a particular state that recognizes same sex marriage, then other states are not required to recognize that marriage.It se rves to protect the rights of the states and the voters who have enacted rules in their states that define marriage as only between a man and a woman. These rights granted to the states are extremely important to respect the laws of the states that are already in place and are being adhered to. It is very important for people who live in a certain place to be able to rely on the community beliefs being upheld legally and not be changed when couples from other states move there and want the same recognition as they had in another state.It helps protect the states’ rights, and although some will argue that what is good for one state should be good for another, it is important to have the voters of each state decide what is right and wrong. The decision of DOMA to grant this power to states helps preserve this sense of community and provide a stable way ahead in this matter. The Argument to repeal DOMA The Defense of Marriage act should be repealed because it discriminates again st same-sex couples; it violates the equal protection component of the Fifth Amendment: and because it simply is not necessary.Congress enacted the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 because of the concern of states that do not support same-sex marriages. Section 3 of DOMA states:   â€Å"In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word ‘marriage’ means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word ‘spouse’ refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife† (CNN Washington, 2011).This definition of marriage clearly discriminates against those individuals who desire to legally enter into marriage with persons of the same gender because it prohibits such individuals from obtaining any of the rights afforded to persons who marry opposite their gender. This act of disc rimination toward same-sex couples violates the equal protection component of the Fifth Amendment by requiring the federal government to deny recognition of the existing legal marriages of same-sex couples (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, 2012).The Fifth Amendment has an explicit requirement that the Federal Government not deprive individuals of â€Å"life, liberty, or property,† without due process of the law and an implicit guarantee that each person receive equal protection of the laws (Find US Law, 2012). Because Section 3 of DOMA excludes same sex couples from having their marriages recognized legally under federal law it does, in fact, deprive those individuals of life, liberty, or property without due process of the law. For many people, regardless of their sexual orientation, marriage is a major event in life.DOMA deprives homosexual individuals from fully participating in marriage because they do not reap the same benefits from marriage as their heterosexual cou nterparts. DOMA treats married same-sex couples as unmarried for purposes of all 1,138 federal laws in which marital status is a factor (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, 2012). For example, at tax time, legally married same-sex couples suffer financially because of they are unable to file their federal tax returns jointly, as heterosexual married couples do. They also they don’t have the same access to Social Security benefits as heterosexual couples.Children of same-sex couples do not have the same inheritance rights in regards to Social Security and retirement benefits as do children of heterosexual couples, because both parents cannot be listed on their birth certificate. Same-sex spouses also do not have the same next of kin rights in making medical decisions during a medical crisis for their spouse. In order for them to have any decision making role, they are forced to take additional legal steps just to provide their spouse with a decision making capacity, that is a utomatically and freely afforded to married heterosexual couples.The fact that Section 3 of DOMA discriminates against homosexuals was supported on February 23, 2011, when a public letter was sent to the House of Representatives by Attorney General Eric Holder. In his letter Holder wrote, â€Å"The President and I have concluded that classifications based on sexual orientation warrant heightened scrutiny and that, as applied to same-sex couples legally married under state law, Section 3 of DOMA is unconstitutional. In the letter, Holder also informed the Speaker of the House that the Department of Justice of the United States would no longer defend DOMA â€Å"unless and until Congress repeals Section 3 or the judicial branch renders a definitive verdict against the law’s constitutionality. †Ã‚   The Defense of Marriage Act was enacted by Congress to exclude same sex married couples from being able to receive the same benefits afforded to opposite sex married couples.S ection 2 of DOMA states: â€Å"No state, territory, or possession of the United States, or Indian tribe, shall be required to give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State, territory, possession, or tribe respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other State, territory, possession, or tribe, or a right or claim arising from such relationship. † Only states can marry people and Congress has always deferred to state status determinations.The Tenth Amendment provides that powers that the Constitution does not delegate to the United States and does not prohibit the states from exercising, are â€Å"reserved to the States respectively, or to the people† (New World Encyclopedia, 2009). Since each state has the sovereign right to decide on whether same-sex marriage is legal or not, there is no need for the Defense of Marriage Act. Additionally DOMA not only violates the Fif th Amendment, it violates and was written to circumvent Article IV, Section 1, of the U. S. Constitution, more commonly known as the Full Faith and Credit Clause.The Full Faith and Credit Clause provides â€Å"Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. † (Wikipedia. org, Full Faith and Credit Clause). Essentially, the clause states that evidence, judicial proceedings, and the like, if accepted by in the state it took place in, must be accepted in any other state. This is exactly how a marriage in good legal standing in Michigan is recognized in good legal standing, in California.While this clause has been applied to family law protective orders and child support collection, it was never applied to force any state to recognize an interracial marriage, p rior to all laws banning such marriages were struck down by the Supreme Court, in 1967. To date, the clause has never been applied to any same sex marriage. DOMA unnecessarily contradicts this clause and creates a needless legal quandary by allowing states to pick and choose which regulations they will honor, from other states, all the while further engendering further discrimination.Not only does this clause apply to interstate legal matters, it is applied to international marriages. The definition of marriage, as defined by DOMA, prevents the federal, and thus the state government from recognizing same sex marriages from countries where it is legal. This then also impacts the legal and economic rights of immigrants and international travelers. DOMA has been cited as protecting traditional marriage and supporting the family unit. DOMA only provides a definition of marriage, it does nothing to upport or protect traditional, heterosexual marriages or the children of those marriages. DOMA only protects economic and legal privileges for heterosexual married couples. As such, it condones and enforces discrimination based on the gender of married couples. Non heterosexual families have and raise children, our future community members, just like heterosexual couples. By not repealing DOMA, we as a nation, are telling future generations that it is acceptable to withhold legal, inheritance, medical and economic rights and privileges, based upon someone’s gender.Conclusion The arguments of this debate have been made a team of individual who have differing views on this legislation. We have respectfully agreed to conclude our arguments, based on a majority vote, which in this case, is for repealing DOMA. While DOMA established a federally determined definition of marriage based on tradition, that very definition unjustifiably restricts certain rights afforded to heterosexual couples from non-heterosexual couples.DOMA serves to act as a divisive piece legislation that does nothing to protect heterosexual married couples, or their families, all the while, endangering same-sex couples’ financial, legal, medical, and inheritance rights, and destabilizing their families. DOMA violates the Fifth Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, as well as contradicts Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution, the Full and Fair Credit Clause, and needlessly creates national and international ligation.Ultimately, DOMA should be repealed because it is discriminatory, divisive, and unconstitutional. References CNN Washington. (2011, February 23). The 1600 Report`. Retrieved from CNN Politics: http://whitehouse. blogs. cnn. com/2011/02/23/attorney-general-declares-doma-unconstitutional/ Dayna K. Shah. (2004). GAO-04-353R Defense of Marriage Act. Washington D. D. , : U. S. G. A. O. Defense of Marriage Act. (2004). Retrieved from http://www. pbs. org/newshour/bb/law/gay_marriage/act. html Find US Law. (2012). U. S. Constitution- 5th and 14th Amendments. Retri eved from

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Types of Racism

Racism should not be ignored. There are two types of racism in the world. The two types of racism are overt racism and institutional racism. â€Å"Overt racism, especially in its contribution to the racist impact of qualification requirements on blacks. † 1. Overt racism contributes to a social and residential segregation, thereby isolating blacks at every income level from white society. â€Å"As a result of overtly racist â€Å"last-hired, first fired† policies toward blacks and the favoring of whites for on-the-job training, many blacks have been unable to gain work experience, particularly special working skills. 2. Overt racist action is when harm is inflicted or a benefit withheld either because of the perpetrator†s racial bias against the victim or because the perpetuator is prejudice of others. Institutional racism is when a person or firm has a practice that is race-neutral but still has an adverse impact in blacks as a group. Institutional racism also reinforces future racism by contributing to the presence of blacks at the bottom of the employment level. â€Å"The adverse effect on blacks of these neutral practices also contributes to the perpetuation of racist attitudes. 3. Individuals growing up in a society where blacks are visibly predominant in the lowest jobs tend to believe that blacks naturally belong there. â€Å"Recent studies show that less-educated workers can be trained by employers for skilled positions that are frequently reserved for college graduates. † 4. Black academics were initially excluded by racist attitudes from many white departments. Whites who are no more productive than blacks will tend to receive a better payoff. â€Å"Whites have eleven times the wealth of blacks; one-third of all blacks have no major assets what so ver except for the cash that they have on hand. † 5. Blacks wanted to get rid of Jim Crow laws. Jim laws made blacks segregated from the white community. Blacks couldn†t use white facilities to buy products instead, blacks had to buy from their facilities. â€Å"A University of Chicago investigation showed that because of persistent prejudice suburban blacks are more likely to suffer segregation than other minorities of equal income and social status. † 6. There were other signs of racism in the past like the trading of blacks slaves from Africa. Blacks who didn†t want to be a slave either revolted against their masters or committed suicide. Masters were very harsh on the blacks. Masters would punish and beat the slaves for no reason. There were a lot of anti-racist role models that were heroes to the blacks. Rosa Parks was famous role model because she stood up for what she believed in. She sat in the bus seat not letting any white sit in her seat. Rosa Parks was arrested for that reason. Because of her actions that she took after she got out of jail, racial segregation became illegal. Elizabeth Eckford braved the angry white crowds by herself when she was the first black person to get accepted into Little Rock High, which was an all white school. Martin Luther king Jr. was another brave role model. Martin Luther King Jr. always made flights to states to help the community win over racial segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. always brought huge crowds wherever he made a speech. He made very inspiring speeches to the blacks, which gave them more courage to protest against the whites. Martin Luther King Jr. was probably the most inspiring person this century because he led the blacks to freedom. He is so inspiring that he will become a saint. Segregation started in the late 1980s even though slavery existed for more than two hundred years. Segregation laws were rapidly affecting blacks. More laws were made in the early 1900s because of the inspiration of Jim Crow laws. â€Å"During the second half of the 1980s, racial violence against blacks increased nationwide. In 1988, a white supremacist movement of violent skin-headed youths, whose weapons included knives, baseball bats, and their own steel-toed boots, sprang up spontaneously in cities throughout the nation. 7. This lowered the blacks courage to fight against the whites. â€Å"Many blacks are excluded by requirements for work experience because as students they have been barred from white schools where relevant training was available or had been denied work experience and training by prejudice supervisors and employers. â€Å"8. Blacks lack of personal connections to the job market, but it arises in large part from segregation created by overtly racist practices. â€Å"As job losers, blacks tend to move down to unskilled temporary work, or to no work at all. † 9. Since blacks can†t find good jobs, they usually make the community bad by stealing and joining gangs to keep themselves alive. â€Å"It is still true that the more disagreeable the job, the greater the chance of finding a high proportion of blacks doing it. † 10. Cities don†t know that they need to have better working conditions for blacks or they will have as much suffer as blacks do. â€Å"Hiring by personal connections also tends to keep blacks at the bottom of the occupational ladder. † 11. It keeps them down because blacks don†t have many connections to people who own a store. Blacks felt the racist impact of such past hiring discrimination when, as less senior, they were less likely to gain work promotion and more likely to lose their jobs in economic recessions. † 12. Whites have been the first in line for hiring, training, promotion, and desirable job positions because of racism. White people either have been responsible for racism or have passively benefited from it. Since there are firms that don†t hire blacks in very low wages, white people have to either take the jobs and get low payment and bad working conditions, or don†t take the job and don†t get anything to help the community that the job provides. The whites also benefited from racism. Whites tend to get more promotions because there are no black competitions. Whites also benefited from housing discrimination where racism was strong. There have been a lot of cases of mass murders in a county. There was a case where, in one summer, eighty blacks have been beaten, thirty-five shot, five murdered, and more that twenty churches burnt down by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Most KKK members usually got away for the murders and damages they committed. KKK members only started getting accused after segregation became illegal. But still, only blacks who were brutally murdered had a trial against the KKK. KKK groups are very confident about passing through a conviction. The KKK was always there where the black protesters were. They were there to intimidate them. They also wanted to start a fight whenever they had an opportunity too. â€Å"The isolation of blacks from white society is also sustained by widespread racist attitudes that exclude blacks from white clubs and social circles where networks leading to jobs are formed. † 13. Blacks not only suffer from discrimination but being isolated from a white community. Blacks lack personal connections to residents of all-white suburbs where many new jobs have been created. † 14. The adverse effect on blacks is exacerbated when suburban employers rely on walk-in applicants from these neighborhoods. â€Å"According to a 1981 study, black school districts in the black belt states receive less funding and inferior education by comparison with economically similar white districts, in a part as a result of local (white) decision making. † 15. White decision-making affects blacks a lot because the whites want to help their school funding more than the blacks school funding. The racism of government practices encouraged race discrimination by landlords who blocked the escape of blacks from ghettos, and by employers and unions who refused to hire, promote, or train them, as well as widespread communication of an insulting stereotype of blacks, derogatory to their ability and character. † 16. Because racist treatment of blacks in business and professional reduced family income, it hurt their sons and daughters. â€Å"Among these black parents injuries, they suffered discrimination policies of federal agencies in allocation of business loans, low-interest mortgages, agrarian price supporters, and government contracts. 17. There are a lot of different remedies for almost every issue involving racism. One of the reasons for avoiding racism is that blacks willingness to accept lower wages and adverse working conditions reduce labor†s bargaining power generally with management. â€Å"Although long-term black employees have the benefit of high sonority ranking, after the 1964 Civil Rights Act many continued to suffer the racist impact of departmental sonority arrangements. † 18. Under such arrangements, a worker who transfers from one department to another loses all sonority credit.   Because of programs that help families over racism, black children start to have more black role models, which creates more self-confidence. â€Å"Complaints can be lodged in a court or administration under title seven of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits such discrimination, and may be pursued against a firm or a union on behalf of an identifiable individual or group. † 19. Other ways of avoiding racism could be real dangerous. One way is to stand firm where there are firms who practice racism. Doing this would give blacks a chance to end racism in that firm. Blacks could move away if they feel too intimidated by the whites. â€Å"In some situations where blacks are notoriously scarce, the courts have approved â€Å"set-asides,† which unlike goals, reserve a specific number of positions for minorities only. † 20. They could also hold strikes against the government facilities so that they would stop the racism in the community. â€Å"Because blacks are disproportionately represented in the bottom-level positions, their personal recruitment tends to maintain occupational segregation. † 21. There are other things that help blacks like some programs that give shelter, food, clothing, and caring. One more way is to ignore the people who are intimidating you. Almost every remedy has its adverse effects. Complaint remedies could be deficient in a number of ways. â€Å"Since the complaint remedy requires proof of bias, it does not apply to institutional race-neutral policies. Yet qualification standards can be manipulated by prejudiced employers to exclude blacks, especially, as we have seen, vague personality standards.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Krogstad And Lheureux Essays - Films, British Films, A Dolls House

Krogstad And Lheureux Essays - Films, British Films, A Dolls House Krogstad and Lheureux Krogstad and Lheureux are two literary villains created by Henrik Ibsen and Gustave Flaubert respectively. Between them, they share many similarities. They both are exploiting the main character of the novels they are in. They both want something, which was at least at one point money. They both seem cold and heartless, remorseless, though nice at one point in time. When are also alike in that when they want something, they will resort to vicious means of acquiring it. They know the secrets in which both novel's plots are based. The list of similarities is significant as any one can see, but can they really be named "similar"? Perhaps they have some in common, but are the characters truly alike? It would seem to me that they are actually very different. It can be argues either way, but the correct answer to this question can only come though examination. Weighing both the likenesses and similarities will rule out either extreme in likeness, but perhaps they fall into a category close to one side. In this essay I intend to cut through the protective fibers set by Flaubert and Ibsen, and to examine the contents of two important characters, to compare them, and to contrast. Both Lheureux and Krogstad want something. At first they both want money, which is a large similarity. Soon Krogstad changes his demand to keeping his job, and Lheureux just lets the debts owed to him by Emma Bovary build up. They both seem nice at one point in each work. Lheureux begins on a good note, being very kind to Emma and her husband. He extends a lot of credit to Emma, which she abuses, and unwittingly plans her own demise. Krogstad on the other hand begins with a money grubbing attitude, though not quite as ruthless as that of Lheureux. Krogstad's ultimately progresses through the play, when at the end he is actually a decent individual. It would seem that as far as character progression goes, the two are inverse of each other. They both use threats to gain what they want. In Lheureux's case, he threatens to tell her husband, and later foreclosure if she doesn't pay. She managed to put Lheureux off for a while. Finally he lost patience...He'd be forced to take back the things he had brought her. "Then take them back!" Emma said. "Oh, I was only joking," he answered. "Im only sorry about the hunting crop. I think I'll ask Monsieur if I may have it back." "No!" she cried. "Aha! I've got you!" thought Lheureux. And sure that he had discovered her secret, he left, saying to himself under his breath, with the usual slight wheeze: "All right. We'll see. We'll see." Krogstad threatens Nora to tell her husband of the crime she's committed if she doesn't find some way for him to not be severed from the business that his employer, Nora's husband, runs. KROGSTAD. Besides, it would have been a great piece of folly. Once the storm at home is over?. I have a letter for you husband in my pocket. NORA. Telling him everything? KROGSTAD. In as lenient a manner as I possibly could. NORA (quickly). He mustn't get the letter. Tear it up. I will find some means of getting money. KROGSTAD. Excuse me Mrs. Helmer, but I think I told you just now? NORA. I am not speaking of what I owe you. Tell me the sum you are asking my husband for, and I will get the money. KROGSTAD. I am not asking your husband for a penny. NORA. What do you want, then? KROGSTAD. I will tell you. I want to rehabilitate myself, Mrs. Helmer; I want to get on; and in that your husband must help me. For the last year and a half I have not had my hand in anything dishonorable, and all that time I have been struggling in most restricted circumstances. I was content to work my way up step by step. Now I am turned out, and I am not going to be satisfied with merely being taken into favor again. I want to get on, I tell you. I want to get into the bank again, in a higher position. Your husband must make a place for me? NORA.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Timeline From 1810-1820 (Waterloo, War of 1812)

Timeline From 1810-1820 (Waterloo, War of 1812) Decade By Decade: Timelines of the 1800s 1810: May 23, 1810: Margaret Fuller, editor, writer, and feminist icon, was born in Massachusetts.June 23, 1810: John Jacob Astor formed the Pacific Fur Company.July 5, 1810: American showman Phineas T. Barnum was born in Bethel, Connecticut.September 1810: The Tonquin, a ship owned by John Jacob Astor departed New York City bound for the Pacific Northwest, as part of Astors plan to establish a fur-trading settlement at the mouth of the Columbia River. 1811: February 3, 1811: Legendary newspaper editor Horace Greeley was born in Amherst, New Hampshire.May 11, 1811: Chang and Eng Bunker, famous conjoined twins, were born in Siam, which will lead to them becoming known as the Siamese Twins.June 14, 1811: Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Toms Cabin, was born in Litchfield, Connecticut.Summer 1811: Work began on the National Road, the first federal highway.November 7, 1811: Troops led by William Henry Harrison defeated Tecumseh at the Battle of Tippecanoe.December 16, 1811: The New Madrid Earthquake struck the Mississippi Valley. 1812: February 7, 1812: British novelist Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England.March 15, 1812: The Luddites, who were opposed to machines being used in manufacturing, attacked a wool factory in England.March 26, 1812: An earthquake leveled Caracas, Venezuela.June 1, 1812: President James Madison asked Congress for a declaration of war against Britain. The causes of the War of 1812 were varied, and included impressment of American sailors.June 18, 1812: The United States Congress declared war on Britain, though opposition to the War of 1812 was strong.June 24, 1812: Napoleon invaded Russia.August 19, 1812: The USS Constitution battled HMS Guerriere and the American ship was victorious.October 1812: Napoleon began his retreat from Moscow.November 5, 1812: James Madison won the U.S. presidential election of 1812, defeating Dewitt Clinton. 1813: The Casselsmans Bridge was built in Maryland as part of the National Road, and was the longest stone arch bridge in America at the time.April 23, 1813: Stephen Douglas, U.S. Senator and rival of Abraham Lincoln, was born in Brandon, Vermont.April 27, 1813: Zebulon Pike, soldier and explorer, was killed at the age of 34 during the War of 1812 in action at York, Ontario, Canada.June 24, 1813: Henry Ward Beecher, American clergyman and reformer, was born in Litchfield, Connecticut.October 5, 1813: Tecumseh, 45-year-old Shawnee leader, was killed by American troops at the Battle of the Thames in Canada. 1814: January 1814: The British government approached Americans, offering to begin negotiations to end the War of 1812.August 24, 1814: British troops landed in Maryland, marched to Washington, D.C., and burned the U.S. Capitol and the Executive Mansion (which would later be called the White House).September 13, 1814: A British fleet bombarded Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland. A British land force simultaneously battled Baltimores defenders on land, at the Battle of Baltimore.September 14, 1814: On the morning after the British bombardment of Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key saw the American flag still flying and wrote The Star-Spangled Banner. Keys lyrics accurately described the Congreve rockets fired during the night.December 24, 1814: American and British negotiators in Belgium signed the Treaty of Ghent, which formally ended the War of 1812. 1815: January 8, 1815: Diverse American forces commanded by Gen. Andrew Jackson defeated British attackers at the Battle of New Orleans. As news traveled slowly, neither side knew the war had actually ended with the Treaty of Ghent weeks earlier.February 1, 1815: Irish political leader Daniel OConnell reluctantly fought a duel outside Dublin and killed his opponent.April 1, 1815: Otto von Bismarck, German statesman, was born in Prussia.April 5-12, 1815: The volcano at Mt. Tambora in Indonesia erupted in a series of explosions over a span of days. Volcanic ash blown into the atmosphere would affect weather worldwide for a year.June 18, 1815: Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo.July 1815: In the Second Barbary War, an American fleet commanded by Stephen Decatur and William Bainbridge defeated the Barbary Pirates. 1816: 1816 became known as The Year Without a Summer as volcanic ash from the Mt. Tambora volcanic eruption caused lower temperatures throughout the world.November 6, 1816: James Monroe was elected president of the United States, defeating Rufus King. 1817: In 1817 a legendary supernatural creature, The Bell Witch, began terrorizing a family on a Tennessee farm.March 4, 1817: James Monroe took the presidential oath of office outdoors, as the U.S. Capitol was still being rebuilt after its burning by the British.July 4, 1817: Construction began on the Erie Canal.July 12, 1817: Author and naturalist Henry David Thoreau was born in Concord, Massachusetts. 1818: The first packet liners began sailing between New York City and Liverpool.February 1818: Abolitionist author Frederick Douglass was born into slavery on a plantation in Maryland.May 5, 1818: Karl Marx, German philosopher, was born in Prussia.December 13, 1818: Mary Todd Lincoln, American first lady, was born in Lexington, Kentucky. 1819: The Panic of 1819 was the first great financial panic of the 19th century.May 24, 1819: Queen Victoria was born at Kensington Palace, London, England.May 31, 1819: American poet Walt Whitman was born at West Hills, Long Island, New York.August 1, 1819: Author Herman Melville was born in New York City.August 26, 1819: Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, was born in Germany.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

BUSINESS MODELS AND PLANNING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

BUSINESS MODELS AND PLANNING - Assignment Example According to wired magazine, craigslist is the currently â€Å"most popular dating site†, job searching site, apartment hunting site and selling site despite its weird business model. Craigslist does not entertain innovation, and has very few workers. However, craigslist has remained a performer in the market due to. Reaching customers: this refers to the process of using communication channels to reach the customers of a product with an aim of generating a market. Entry into a new market is very easy. This happens through the company’s ability to draw a chain of people. When the network enters into a given region and obtains a few clients, other people soon find it necessary. Product differentiation: this is the process of developing unique strategies for product positioning that spotlight the product’s true value in the market. A company needs a clear understanding of its competitors and should clearly differentiate its product from those of the competitors. Craigslist is clearly known for its dating services, job hunting among others and therefore attract so many people in those areas. Pricing: this is the determination of the amount of money that a company will charge for its product or service. This starts by an evaluation of the value customer attach on a product, consideration of production cost, consideration of competition landscape and finally determination of price. This has been the strongest point of craigslist model i.e. offering very low prices that attract and keep the customers (Osterwalder 270). Selling: this involves the actual persuading and convincing a customer to buy a product. This calls for a precise understanding of what is required to close a business deal, and subsequent organization of a sales force. Craigslist does not stock items that it deals with but rather performs the deals as an intermediary. Delivery /distribution: this is the process of transporting goods from the business premises to the